When we arrived home in 2019, after 6 weeks on the road that summer, we had no way of anticipating what the world and our personal lives were about to face. We’ve lived a lot of lifetimes in five years, but that life and the experiences kept us close to home. Venturing out to the UK is no small feat… Read more →
Category: Uncategorized
Behind the Scenes
Neither Jeff or I captured an image of the small, black bear cub that stopped on the dirt road in front of our car. We were both so surprised by the appearance of the little bear, married with a fear that momma bear must be close behind, that it never occurred to us to document the moment. Jeff’s camera was… Read more →
Pales in Comparison Tour Route
Trying to plan a route across the U.S. that takes us to small town brew pubs is no easy task. But here it is, the best laid plans… Bend, OR (home of Deschutes and 10 Barrell Brewery) Lewiston, ID (stopping at Paradise Creek Brewery in Pullman, WA along the way.) Stevensville, MT (sauntering over from the Stevensville Hotel to Black Smith… Read more →